candle making workshop


Our candle making workshops,  whether it’s for you, or family is a fun and relaxing way to enjoy some ‘me time’ away from the hustle of daily life.

To book on a candle making workshop simply choose the workshop date from the drop down menu.

If you have been given a gift voucher please contact me directly for dates and to book using the details on the voucher.

Workshop students will receive a discount off selected products on the day of the class and there will be starter candle making kits available to buy.

Should you be unable to attend your workshop on the chosen date we can easily arrange to re-book you at another time provided 2 weeks notice is given.

Workshop venue: 21 Temple village, Near Gorebridge, EH23 4SQ, a short 10 minute drive from the Edinburgh City Bypass.

Class Duration: 1.5 hours (10 am – 11.30am)

Workshop Content:

You will be able to choose your own scent from our fragrance library.

You will be shown the step by step process of making a container candle.

You will assemble and hand pour your own container candle.

We will be discussing how to burn a candle correctly.

We will cover the equipment needed for candle making.

By the end of the workshop you will be able you will be able to make a soy wax container candle.



SKU: N/A Category: